Friday, September 27, 2013

How Not To Drive Traffic To Your Blog?

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How Not to Drive Traffic to Your Blog?
There are lots of ways to drive traffic to your site. Especially newbie bloggers are mad for getting traffic. They can do anything for getting traffic. There are lots of articles written on web about getting traffic, and shared lots of ways to get traffic. But no one showed that what are bad ways to drive traffic to your blog, and which type of traffic is really useless and even giving harm to you sometimes.

Today I'll show you some bad techniques to drive traffic to your site, which you should be aware of and never use them. Because they won't give you any benefit, in-fact they could harm you sometimes, too.

Paid Traffic

Lots of internet companies are offering guaranteed leads to your website for a small amount. Like, they say, they will give you 1000 unique visitors only for 2$. Any newbie would get excited with this offer and probably, but it.

Do you know how harmful is Paid Traffic? Paid traffic aren't the real visitors. They have a big crowd of people, who have signed contract for visiting websites and they get money for visiting it. Those people won't comment, share of like your articles, they will just visit and go.

Tell me, is this traffic helpful in anyway?

This type of traffic is even worst than the robots traffic.

The second worst type of traffic is,

Traffic generated by Crappy Softwares

You might be already knowing about this, they are some softwares which will provide traffic to your site. Actually, its not traffic at all. You've to enter proxies and the software will generate hits using the free proxy ip provided by you, which could be easily found anywhere on the web.

Link Baiting

Link baiting means, exchanging links with other sites. This may generate traffic to your site. Link baiting is basically for a fixed period, after that, both of the sites will remove each others' links from their site. You'll get traffic till your link is there, and a bit of link juice too, but after that, once your link is removed, Google will catch you, and link baiting is one of worst black hat SEO technique, so your rankings will fall down.

You'll lose your rankings, and your traffic and blog will be dead. So you must be aware of these bad techniques.

So now question is that, how to drive traffic?

I've answered your question earlier already. If you want to know how to drive traffic to your site, then check this post written by me on blogtipsntricks.

I hope you liked this short but informative article.


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